
17 Desember 2009

Page 29, 30, 31 (business english)

Page 31

A. with reference to your advertisement in the current isue of ‘office Monthly’, I would like to order 2 easifix year Planners. I enclose a cheque for $ 15 to includepostage and packing.

B. thank you for your quotation of 5th July for your “finesse” range of dining room furniture. we find your terms satisfactory and would like to order the following. 10 “Finesse” dining tables at $280 per item 40 “finesse” dining chairs at $60 per item we note that you can supply these items within 30 days and we reserve the right not to accept delivery after this time. We should be obliged if you would acknowledge receipt of this order.

C. we thank you for your order of 11th may for 2 easfix year planners. this line has proved so popular that we regret to inform you that it is temporarily out of stock. We hope to be able to resume supplies within the next ten days. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

D. thank you for your order of 12th july for 10 “finesse” dining tables and 40 “finesse dining chairs.

as we in a position to supply you with the above items form stock, we have arranged for them to be delivered to you early next week.

Page 30


Dear Ms Prentice Thank you for your 1. Enclosed leaflet of 3rd May about our office stationery. We have 2. Further details in enclosing our latest catalogue and price list. We hope you will find it of interest. If you require any 3. Pleasure, please do not 4. Hesitate to contact us. Yours 5. Sincerely

B Thank you for your letter of January 4th, asking about office furniture. The enclosed catalogue contain 6. Enquiry of our range. In most cases we are able to 7. Enquiring you withn fourteen days. We look forward to receiving an order from you.

C Thank you for your letter of 1st June, 8. full details about the JF72 pocket calculator. This model is no longer 9. doing business as it has been superseded by the JF73 solar-powered pocket calculator. As you will see from the 10. additional features the new model has several 11. in production at an extremely 12. Supply. We have also enclosed our lates catalogue giving details of the vast 13. competitive price of electronic goods we supply. We allow a discount 30% on purchase of not less than 50 of the same model, and 35% on quantities of not less than 100. 14. in addition, we give a discount of 3% for payment within fourteen days from 15. Date of invoice. We look forward to 16. Range with you in the near future

Page 29

A. Dear Sir I have seen your advertisement in the current issue ‘Office Weekly’ and am interested in your range of office stasionery. Could you please send me your latest catalogue and price list. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully

B. With advise to your advertisement in today’s ‘Times’, could you please send mecurrent issue about your office furniture. I am particularly interested in your adjustable typist’s chairs.

C. Some time ago we purchased from you some JF72 solar-powered pocket calculators. As this model was so popular with our consumers, we would like to know if it isstill available. If so, would you kindly reference us of your terms of paymentand any quantity discount available. Could you also include details of any new models in the same price range.




Name : Mochammad Rizky Mulzayri

Address : 42A/173B Gegerkalong Hilir street, Bandung 40153

Cell Phone : 085723037370

Email :


I am interested to be your financial manager, I graduated from Telkom Management Institute, majoring in Business Management Information and Telecommunications. I know the financial basics, how to be managers, and others from the lessons in schools and universities. I have experienced in the organization, as chairman and secretary, in different organizations.


2009 – 20012 : Institut Manajemen Telkom Bandung

majoring MBTI (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi dan Informatika)

2006 – 2009 : State High School 2 B. Lampung

2003 – 2006 : Al-Kautsar Junior High School B.Lampung

1997 – 2003 : Al-Kautsar Elementary School B.Lampung

1995 – 1997 : Al-Kautsar Kindergarten B.Lampung


2002 – 2005 : Intra School Student Organization, as secretary. In Al-Kautsar Junior High School B. Lampung

2002 – 2005 : Scouts Organization, as Leader. In Al- Kautsar Junior High School B. Lampung


2007 – 2009 : LIA English Course B. Lampung


Basic Accounting : 1. Paper Work and Financial

2. Financial Accounting

3. Knowledge of Accounting Terms

Computer Aplication : 1. Ms. World

2. Ms. Exel

3. MS. Powerpoint


Language : Indonesia, English

Hobbies : Music, Football, Basketball

Personality : Friendly, Hard worker, and Honest

Health : Good

Height : 170cm

Weight : 60kg

19 Oktober 2009


Kehidupan penuh dengan warna, ada yang buruk ada yang baik. Semua berjalan dengan kehendak masing-masing orang. Terkadang apa yang terlihat baik di mata seseorang, tidak terlihat baik di mata yang lain.
Alur kehidupan pun demikian, ada yang tidak mau membuka diri untuk melanjutkan kehidupan. Ada yang hanya mengikuti jalannya kehidupan, ada pula yang mengalahkan lajurnya waktu dengan berpikir untuk kemajuan. Semua orang berhak memilih, apakah ia mau menghentikan waktu hanya karna putus asa ditinggal oleh impian yang tak terkejar. Atau, berlari mengejar ketinggalan. Semua orang punya jalan hidup masing-masing, dan mereka yang menentukan arah perjalanan kehidupan mereka. Tidak ada seorang pun yang berhak mengubahnya. Berhenti di tempat bukanlah pilihan yang tepat, meskipun semuanya terasa menyakitkan, karena masih banyak jalan untuk mencapai suatu impian. Di dunia ini tidak ada orang gagal untuk semua yang pernah mencoba, yang ada hanyalah orang yang kurang berhasil. Orang-orang gagal hanyalah untuk orang-orang yang tidak berani dan tidak pernah untuk mencoba. Orang-orang berhasil adalha orang-orang yang berani mencoba untuk memulai. Orang-orang sukses adalah orang-orang yang telah berhasil, serta mampu membuat orang lain sukses bahkan lebih dari apa ynag telah ia dapat.